Friday 1 May 2009


The Other Side planning

List of locations
The locations we plan to use when filming our opening sequence are:
The common room
The park next to Twyford
The shop next to Twyford
The bus stop
We didn’t use that many locations away from Twyford because we didn’t feel it made a difference to our opening sequence.

Props we intend to use
We don’t intend to use to many different props just a few which are:
A brick
A jumper

A list of films that we have watched to help us with our planning
We watched many films to help us with planning our opening sequence some of them are:
The Godfather

The roles each of us played
Camera: Jerome
Actor: Adrian
Editor: Jerome & Adrian
Producer: Adrian & Jerome


A pretty girl that usually gets lots of attention from all of the boys is being followed/ watched and does not know. She always goes off with random boys to a secluded area and does something sexual with the person. After that happens later on in the day the boys start felling weird and end up having some sort of mental breakdown and no one knows why. The girl still being watched, she goes into a public toilet and the door closes to show that the sign on the door says men’s. Whilst in the men’s toilet she urinates in a urinal while standing up all of the men in the toilets are stood there amazed she takes no notice and walks out. She goes home and starts being more wary of her surroundings because she hears noises in the bushes. The person that is following her starts having flash backs. The unknown character goes home and reveals what who it is by looking in a mirror. The man is feeling the same affects as all of the other men. Every day he follows the girl to see what she is doing till one day he gets noticed by the girl and she tries to ignore him and leave. The man follows her at a fast walking pace which turns into more of a running pace. The girl can’t actually see the man anymore because it is dark and tries to leave, he grabs her. They end up in a in a cellar and the girl is gagged and tied. The guy leaves the girl there for days; eventually the girl unties herself and Waits for the guy to come back. When the man eventually comes back she pretends to be tied up asks him why he is doing this, he tells her how she ruined his life etc. She then hits him over the head and runs away. He follows her; she goes into a police station and tells them everything. They go to the man’s house and finds that he has hung himself. The girl then goes back to the same bench the next day and is being watched again it blacks out.

The Other Side Questionnaire

Ø What age do you think this thriller should be aimed at?
o 15
o 16
o 17
o 18
Ø What type of thriller do you think this film is E.g. action or sci-fi

Ø Do you think that the music goes well with the film?

Ø Do you understand the plot of the film from the trailer?

Ø Do you think the characters are believable?

Ø Does the trailer look believable?

Ø What improvement do you think we can make?


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