Thursday 14 May 2009

Film Schedule
In January we filmed Monday 5th, Wednesday 7th and Friday 9th from 1.15 to 2.30, during this time we filmed the scenes that happened outside between Adrian and Issy.
In February we filmed on Tuesday 10th, Thursday 12th and Friday 13th at 12.15 to 13.15 during this time we filmed the scenes between Adrian and Denzel.
In March we filmed Monday 2nd, Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th, during this time we filmed the scenes with Adrian walking around.

Analysis of questionnaire results

1. What age do you think this thriller should be aimed at?
o 15 - 5
o 16 - 7
o 17 - 4
o 18 - 2
2. What type of thriller do you think this film is E.g. action or sci-fi?
10 people thought it was a psychotic thriller.
5 people thought it was an action thriller.

3. Do you think that the music goes well with the film?
Everybody thought the music went well.

4. Do you understand the plot of the film from the trailer?
Everybody understood the plot of the film apart from one person who didn’t understand Adrian’s role in the film.

5. Do you think the characters are believable?
Most people thought the characters were believable apart from one.

6. Does the trailer look believable?
Everybody said that the trailer looked believable.

7. What improvement do you think we can make?
The majority of people thought that the trailer needed to have more continuity and the dialogue needed to be clearer and louder.
Our final product is about a strange twisted young male who has many issues with himself mentally and physically. So to express himself he murders his friends and kills people close to him and keeps items of their clothing to remind him what he did.
I think that these results show that most people liked our thriller opening sequence and that they thought that the main improvement they wanted us to make was to increase the volume of the dialogue in the scene between Adrian and Issy.
Other side script

Bench scene with izzy and Adrian.
Adrian: so what do you want to do?

Izzy: Urrrm don’t mind

Adrian: so do you wanna go for a walk?

Izzy: yeah. Come on.

Adrian: let’s go then

Common room scene with denzel and Adrian.
Denzel: Blud I’m starving

Adrian: I’m hungry to bruv

Denzel: do wanna get something to eat?

Adrian: Aite. Come then.

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