Thursday 14 May 2009

analasysis of peliminery task questionaire

Male 67%, female 33%

What age bracket are you in?
11-13 0%, 14-15 8%, 16-18 75%, other 17%

What is your Favourite Thriller?
Gothika 17%, jaws 17%, saw 17%, James bond 8%, Texas chainsaw massacre 8%, kill bill 8%, dead clam 8%, silent hills 8%, Mr. Brooks 9%

What makes a thriller interesting?
Setting 17%, characters 17%, music 25%, lighting 8%, all of the above 25%, other 8%

What is the best theme for a thriller?
Terrorism 0%, pursuit 8%, romantic love triangle 0%, psychological mind games 17%, action 42%, crime 8%, supernatural events 17%, other 8%

What is the best setting for a thriller?
Barren land 0%, everyday life 58%, in the darkness/dimly lit 34%, abandoned 8%, other 0%

Do you prefer narrative or character based?
Character 58%, narrative 42%

What is the most effective main character?
Psychotic individuals 50%, criminals 17%, innocent victim 8%, supernatural beings 0%, OAP 8%, police detectives 0%, teenagers 8%

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